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Do you know that you can measure Caustic Concentration with your SmartDiver®?

Jul 22, 2024

1 min read



You may not be aware but the SmartDiver® takes multiple measurements concurrently while diving.  Some of this information we use, some we don’t.  In the last blog, we talked about using Specific Gravity (SG) to measure into the mud zone, not just the settling solids.

Another measurement available is the liquor density.  So as we start a dive and we take our readings of overflow suspended solids, we can also take the liquor density reading.  You will know that in an alumina refinery, liquor density is directly proportional to caustic concentration (caustic).

Below you will see the trend of the SmartDiver® liquor density readings vs the lab caustic readings. Here we have regressed the SmartDiver® readings and displayed and outputted the calculated caustic. The R² is 0.89 (very close to the lab result) and the P value for the liquor density is 9.98x10-38.  You will also see that the SmartDiver® reading is smoother than the lab results. This is due to the fact that the measurement is taken every six minutes and it is not affected by sampling errors. We will talk more about sampling errors in future blogs.

One of our customers in Jamaica has recently used a SmartDiver® specifically for the settler overflow caustic measurement (a very hard measurement to take in line).  The customer was able to monitor the settler overflow caustic for dilution control. This was critical for his operation.

You can also measure washer and CCD efficiency using the same technique. It does not cost you anything, just turn the feature on your SmartDiver® on.

A graph showing Lab caustic Vs SmartDiver® calculated caustic alumina washer
Fig 1: Lab caustic Vs SmartDiver® calculated caustic alumina washer

Find out how to measure Caustic Concentration with your SmartDiver®:

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Jul 22, 2024

1 min read



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