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لماذا جيش التحرير الشعبى الصينى؟

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مدينة بيرث في دولة استراليا

21 - 23 أكتوبر 2024

جناح رقم 57

PLA will be a part of the 27th International Conference by ACG on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, held in Namibia. This ACG conference series is more than two decades old and much has changed during this time, in particular more recently with the series of prominent failures and repercussions that continue from these. Notably, the benefits of dewatering options such as paste, thickened and filtered tailings. The relevance of these deposition techniques to reducing risk is also reflected by the ongoing support of this international conference series by the tailings and greater mining industries. Join us to hear about innovation, performance, economics, and operating cases.

SmartDiver® enables the Operators to Improve Thickener/Washer Underflow Performance & Flocculation Control.




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